« I made a conquest! » He says happily. « This four year old man, whose name is Asriel, told Me that he wants to be a disciple and wants to learn everything: to preach, to cure sick children, to make the vine shoots bear bunches of grapes also in December and then he wants to climb up a mountain and shout to the whole world: “Come, the Messiah is here!” Is that right Asriel? »
« Yes »
« You are hardly capable of eating! You are not even capable of saying who the Messiah is. » Thomas teases him.
« He is Jesus of Nazareth. »
« And what does “Messiah” mean? »
« It means… it means: the Man Who was sent to be good and to make us all good. »
The Decalogue Colouring Book
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Colouring Book£7.99
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« I made a conquest! » He says happily. « This four year old man, whose name is Asriel, told Me that he wants to be a disciple and wants to learn everything: to preach, to cure sick children, to make the vine shoots bear bunches of grapes also in December and then he wants to climb up a mountain and shout to the whole world: “Come, the Messiah is here!” Is that right Asriel? »
« Yes »
« You are hardly capable of eating! You are not even capable of saying who the Messiah is. » Thomas teases him.
« He is Jesus of Nazareth. »
« And what does “Messiah” mean? »
« It means… it means: the Man Who was sent to be good and to make us all good. »